Official Themes translation?

Hi guys, now that Portal is translated as well, is there a plan to translate official ghost theme as well?

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Is there anyone that agrees?

You can do that by adding the translation helper {{t}} and a json file with your translations. You need to put your hand in the code, however, but a lot of themes are already adapted for this.

This resource is well documented here: Ghost Handlebars Theme Helpers: translate

HI @sergiovolt i know you can do that, but than, if you are a GHOST PRO user, you need to sign up for the Creator tier so you can upload your own themes. I’m talking to make the Free theme available and ready to be used with translation features. Now that Portal is translated, it would be great to have those theme to be as well

The official guide does not have an example on how to translate subexpressions. I really need that. For an example, in the source theme, post-card.hbs, there is a display for author name

By {{#foreach authors}}{{#if @first}}{{name}}{{else}}, {{name}}{{/if}}{{/foreach}}

How do I translate this span using translation? You really need to put examples.
I want to do {{t “By {{author}}”}} or something along the lines, where the contents of {{author}} is {{#foreach authors}}{{#if @first}}{{name}}{{else}}, {{name}}{{/if}}{{/foreach}}
“By {{author}}” needs to become “{{author}}著” for Japanese.