Paid Memberships: Can I launch with an intro price and raise it later?

Hi! I want to do a launch price of 50 but then raise it to 75 for a time, and then raise it to 100.

Can I do these price hikes without it changing the price for the initial members?

Yes - if you change the price in labs/members settings, this will apply to all new signups, while existing customers will continue to be charged whatever price they started their subscription with.

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Thanks John. Happy to hear that. 🙏

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This is excellent. I’ve been trying and trying to word searches to find this information. John, the Ghost guides/tutorials are fantastic, but I think it would be worth putting this information more readily visible in sections about pricing / early adopter pricing.

I wonder what is happening when a customer unsubscribes and then subscribes back? Does they keep the first price, or do they go with the newer price?

My guess is they goes with the new price. Thank you!