Placement of the "Membership" Banner

“Membership Access Notice Banner”

How can I configure the banner (sign in or membership) for registration or membership so that the first 2 - 3 lines of the article are visible. The banner is currently fully programmed, but is located directly under the feature image.

Ghost (hosted by Mapigpages)
Theme: Tripoli
NO changes to the theme files, only via design/branding, code injection, footer or header).

Who can help?

Easy fix. What you need is to open the post in the post editor and add a “public preview” marker, from the “plus” menu. Put that at the divider between what non-members can see and what’s only for members.
Make sure the post is set to members only (or paid members only) - which you’ll find in the right side menu.


Cathy, you are an angel. Many thanks!

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@Cathy_Sarisky, is there any SEO impact of using the public preview marker? About to start working on an implementation requiring registration to get past the preview and wondering. Thanks much.

Google can’t see content that is members-only. So it will be important to put a good selection of content (and keywords) before the paywall.

Some writing I did about this previously:

Terrific, thank you!

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