Problem running Ghost locally for dev

I’m trying to run ghost locally for development. I have followed everything up until and including “Start Ghost” in this tutorial: Ghost Docs

Everything ran perfectly without errors. But when I try to access http://localhost:4200/ it says Ghost Admin in the title and the spinner is visible in the centre. If I inspect the page I have the following errors:

Attempting URL transition to /
router.js:36 Preparing to transition from '' to 'home'
:4200/ghost/api/canary/admin/users/me/?include=roles:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
:4200/ghost/api/canary/admin/site/:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
router_js.js:108 Transition #0: home: transition was aborted
router_js.js:111 Attempting transition to error404
router.js:36 Preparing to transition from '' to 'error404'
:4200/ghost/api/canary/admin/users/me/?include=roles:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
:4200/ghost/api/canary/admin/site/:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
router_js.js:108 Transition #1: error404: transition was aborted
rsvp.js:23 Uncaught Error: You must provide a param `path`.
    at getParam (route-recognizer.js:174)
    at Array.generate.<computed> (route-recognizer.js:267)
    at RouteRecognizer.generate$1 [as generate] (route-recognizer.js:731)
    at PrivateRouter.generate (router_js.js:2259)
    at Class.generate (router.js:513)
    at RouterService.urlFor (router.js:221)
    at Class.error (application.js:126)
    at Class._triggerEvent (router.js:1333)
    at PrivateRouter.triggerEvent (router.js:193)
    at Transition.trigger (router_js.js:490)

This is in the latest verison of Brave with the latest version of Ghost in the master branch (~2.28.0)

No errors in the console. Am I missing something?

@andreborud you won’t be able to use ghost on http://localhost:4200 other than for accessing the admin panel’s tests at http://localhost:4200/tests/

Ghost runs on http://localhost:2368 by default, can you see Ghost running there?

Thanks @Kevin, nope it isn’t running there.

Scrolled up in the terminal and found the following error:

ERROR Knex: run
$ npm install sqlite3 --save
Cannot find module '/Users/andreborud/Projects/Ghost/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v72- darwin-x64/node_sqlite3.node'

So then I ran: npm install sqlite3 --save, then grunt dev again which results in a new error:

>> Error: Cannot find module 'moment-timezone'
>> Require stack:
>> - /Users/andreborud/Projects/Ghost/core/server/overrides.js
>> - /Users/andreborud/Projects/Ghost/Gruntfile.js
>> - /Users/andreborud/Projects/Ghost/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/task.js
>> - /Users/andreborud/Projects/Ghost/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt.js
>> - /Users/andreborud/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt
Warning: Task "dev" not found. Use --force to continue.

Not sure what to do now.

It’s telling you what’s going on in the error message, node cannot find the timezone. Did you setup the timezone on your server when you set it up?

Also try installing the package moment-timezone

I’m running locally on a Mac. I think the timezone might be there!? And moment-timezone is a .js library. So I’m thinking if its needed it should have been installed during previous steps, right?