RSS Feed stopped working

  • What’s your URL?
  • What version of Ghost are you using? 3.0.2
  • What configuration? Standard
  • What browser? Chrome
  • What errors or information do you see in the console? Internal server error 500
  • What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having? Run the rss feed through a validation tool

I have been using our RSS feed to import blogs to our website for a few months now and it has been working fine. I noticed however that the last couple of post did not sync over. Then now when I check the feed it is giving a generic 500 error. Has anyone else see this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@AshenKing can you share the server-side error log for a failed /rss/ request? That should point us to what/where the problem is :slight_smile:

Unfortunately this is the extent of the error that I get. I get this from w3c but I am not sure if there is a better place to test this to get more information.

The error is server-side so external services like the w3c validator won’t help, you’d need to look at your own server logs. How did you install Ghost?

Sorry, I now see you are a Ghost(Pro) customer. If you’re having any issue with a Ghost(Pro) site, please drop us an email on and we’ll be more than happy to give you a hand directly :slight_smile:

The underlying problem for this error has been fixed in this commit that will go out in the next release of Ghost.

In the meantime a workaround would be to ensure all published posts have some content in them either by adding some content or deleting/unpublishing empty posts.