I am composing a new blog post and I seem to need finer control over the post layout than the GUI tools can give me – for example, I want to make smaller text for a footnote at the bottom of the blog post, and I can’t see any way to do that with the editor?
Is there a way to switch to raw Markdown mode in the editor so I can have finer control over the specific layout of the post?
Maybe I’m missing something. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
The editor doesn’t store posts as markdown. It’s Lexical under the hood.
The easiest way to accomplish what you’re suggesting might be to switch that particular paragraph to html in an html card. Not necessarily easy, but easiest of the available options, particularly if the footnote is mostly just plain text anyway.
Another option, if you have lots of paragraphs of complicated text that should be small.
HTML card with this:
<div class="smaller">
Followed by as many paragraphs as needed in the Ghost editor. (Or lists, or whatever)
Then another HTML card:
Somewhere in the theme or in code injection
.smaller-text * {
font-size: smaller!important; /* or specify a specific font size */
That /may/ be enough, or you may need to play with adding some extra selectors to increase the css specificity to get it to apply.
I like that approach over the html card because it doesn’t require you to write any significant amount of HTML, particularly if you put those two little bits of html into snippets. :)
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Thank you so much for this prompt reply! Let me try this and I’ll reply with my results, so hopefully this can help others with the same problem in the future. 
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Converting the one footnote-ish section to an inserted HTML block worked well, like so:
Thank you! I was able to use <small>
HTML tags within the HTML block to achieve the footnote like effect.