What is the replacement for {{@labs.members}}?

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If you aren’t running the latest version of Ghost, the first thing we’ll ask you to do is update to the latest version of Ghost.


  • How was Ghost installed and configured? Pro
  • What Node version, database, OS & browser are you using? Chrome
  • What errors or information do you see in the console? Explained below
  • What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having? Looked up the forum posts

I’m working on making the theme compliant with v4 and v5 to prepare for the upgrade.

One of the messages from the official tool to test your Ghost theme is

The {{@labs.members}} helper should not be used.

Remove {{@labs.members}} from the theme.
The {{@labs.members}} helper will always return true in Ghost v4 and will be removed from Ghost v5, at which point it will return null and evaluate to false.Find more information about the @labs property here.

What do I replace the {{@labs.members}} with?

Also, the here link is broken :frowning:

Try @site.members_enabled

{{#if @site.members_enabled}}

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