Where are the fiction writers out there?

I’m curious to hear from any fiction writers who might be using Ghost as a platform, not just for blogging, but for publishing fiction, assuming you are out there. :-) How is it working out for you? Do you have tiers for short stories, work in progress, or something like that? Do you consider it a valid or useful way to market your fiction? Inquiring minds and all that…


There’s a story in this issue of the Ghost newsletter that you might find interesting: 💥 The art of disrupting the status quo


I’ve just been getting started this year. Finished a draft of my first novel as a free web, serial working on the second. I have 100+ free subscribers.

My goal this next year is work with an editor to polish my work, see if I can guest post with authors that do have paid patreons, and see if I can start a paid tier for advanced chapters or other goodies.

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