Where are the fiction writers out there?

I’m curious to hear from any fiction writers who might be using Ghost as a platform, not just for blogging, but for publishing fiction, assuming you are out there. :-) How is it working out for you? Do you have tiers for short stories, work in progress, or something like that? Do you consider it a valid or useful way to market your fiction? Inquiring minds and all that…


There’s a story in this issue of the Ghost newsletter that you might find interesting: 💥 The art of disrupting the status quo


I’ve just been getting started this year. Finished a draft of my first novel as a free web, serial working on the second. I have 100+ free subscribers.

My goal this next year is work with an editor to polish my work, see if I can guest post with authors that do have paid patreons, and see if I can start a paid tier for advanced chapters or other goodies.


Just do it! Start a paid tier I mean. If I wrote fiction and an obvious fan base I would not hesitate in doing so :grinning: Just because one offer paid extras doesn’t automatically mean one need to paywall everything.

Just wanted to share Novel, my Ghost theme made for online novel publishing. Check out the demo!

@wftl I setup my author site on Ghost(Pro) a few years ago, with memberships, book pages, and a podcast. It’s very much hacked together and built off a heavily customized version of the “London” theme.

I’ve not touched it much in the past year, having precious little time to devote to my creative pursuits, much less website maintenance. I wouldn’t be surprised if something is not working as it should, and I’m pretty sure that my MailerLite integration is turned off or broken, so my “welcome” email automation is likely not working…