I like the activity of the master branch in the main repository but do not like depreciating old api, when new is not prepared.
My question. Is known any estimated time of releasing v2 admin api? When both admin and client api v2 will be documented? Now I do not know if should I change platform and stop using ghost, integrate ghost with my workflow with api v1, that was blocked in the last version. I would like to use admin api v2 and I can wait, but do not know if it will be released in next week, next month, next year?
There it is written that api v2 (work in progress)
There never was a v1 API. The v0.1 “write” API was never public, documented, or designed for use outside of Ghost-Admin, as such it’s not “deprecated” as it was never intended to be used. The v2 Admin API is not released yet but it is being actively worked on, as always the timeline is “when it’s ready”. When it’s released and usable there will be documentation but not before.
What is your use-case for the API? Perhaps there are alternative routes to achieve what you want.
I would like to edit the content of the article. I have markdown but can convert it to HTML. So I need to send a request that replaces the old content of the article by the new one.
I see that in the database posts are stored as mobile-doc. I would like to avoid conversion to mobile-doc on my (client) side but I can do also this because of there is code for this task: