Wrong header image on social media

Hello guys,
I have a problem when sharing my home page on facebook, basically it doesn’t show my logo. It shows only black gradient from casper theme. Is there a way to fix this?
Screenshot from 2020-08-08 10-36-42

EDIT: on my homepage there is an owl with my link on top of this black background… That is what I would be glad to get on fb also :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!

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By default The publication cover image will be shown when you share home page on social media.

In general option page under site meta settings, there are options to customize Facebook and twitter card. You can use those options.


Thanks, it looks better now :slight_smile:

This does not seem to work in general. For example, LinkedIn still shows the cover image, which is often just a stock image without branding. Is there a way to change this in general?

Ah, it seems the problem is not on the Ghost side. Ghost sets the “OpenGraph” og:image and og:description meta tags in <head> just fine. That’s what LinkedIn uses, but it seems it can take a bit of convincing to update:

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