Advice on whether to start a Ghost/Blog/Newsletter

I’m torn. I’ve used Ghost in the past and really enjoyed the experience. Ghost is the best.

I’m going to start a new blog soon, and want to make a really nice newsletter. What I’ve seen online is that Convertkit has a lot of ways to customize with lots of photos, etc. which are formatted really well for cell phones, etc.

Ultimately, this is what I want: A blog that is easy to send a newsletter from. It doesn’t have to come from Convertkit, but I’d like to be able to customize with pictures, etc. and stylize the look.

I understand you can integrate Convertkit, but I know nothing about coding and am not confident I could set it up.

So, if you weight what I’ve said here, and could offer some advice, that would be the biggest help to me, folks. Thank you.