Ghost + buster +github

Used the instructions here:

To install the beautiful Ghost. I’m really happy with it. Looks great locally on my mac.

Then I install buster and try to get static files (to push to github), but I’m spending days on this and can’t seem to find a solution! I run:

buster setup

Enter the github repository.

buster generate --domain=localhost:2368

Then I get output to the static folder. I’m thinking great, time to deploy, but the output is strange.

I look at index.html (or any of the html) and it begins with <head>, skipping <html>, etc.

I get slightly better output if I just make the static files myself (looking at what buster does):

wget --recursive --convert-links --page-requisites --no-parent --directory-prefix static --no-host-directories --restrict-file-name=unix localhost:2368

It appears to download all the CSS, etc., but doesn’t seem to be loading the CSS though either.

Man, I’d so greatly appreciate any help. I know buster hasn’t been updated in a while, but several others say it still does work for them. It’s not working out for me too well at the moment though.

Are there any other options to get a local install converted to static sites that could be uploaded to github (or anywhere else)? It looks beautiful in Chrome or Firefox when accessed via localhost:2368.

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