Missing and disproportionate grille [Edge Theme]

Issue Summary

  • Missing and disproportionate grille

In the previous version, the grid of the Edge theme was spectacular, it adapted and created a great first impression.

I just saw the new version, and it was something surprising, there is no more grid, it was simplified with an off-center line and in horizontal mode with hopefully two decentered lines.

What happened, is there a way to change this in the new version and go back to what it was before?

On the same test site you can check this problem with the grid: https://edge.ghost.io/

Report on Github: https://github.com/TryGhost/Edge/issues/16


Setup information

Ghost Version

Browser & OS version
Firefox Mobile 102.1.1 / Firefox Linux 102.0.1 / Others

Solved! https://github.com/TryGhost/Edge/issues/16#issuecomment-1189168290

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