Source i18n with de, de-CH, fr, zh, zh-CN translations

New 1.3.2 release of Source theme with de, de-CH, fr, zh, zh-CN translations:

Unfortunately, contrary to core ghost, the default theme will not be translated and a fork needs to be maintained.


I also have a i18n theme GitHub - jochumdev/Massively-Source: Massively-Source, a text-heavy, article-oriented theme based on Source for Ghost.

@jochumdev thank you.

Just created a new release: Release v1.3.2-3i18n · SourceTheme-i18n/Source · GitHub

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I use it in french, thank you very much.

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New release 1.3.3-1i18n: Release v1.3.3-1i18n · SourceTheme-i18n/Source · GitHub

New languages since 1.3.2-3i18n:

All languages:

  • de
  • de-CH
  • en
  • fr
  • ga
  • gd
  • nl
  • pt-BR
  • uk
  • zh
  • zh-CN

Thank you @NinoBagatello. Does this update mean that we have to go back to the theme and make the changes specific to our use, or can I update Ghost and continue to use version 1.3.2?

you can still use the previous version.

1.3.3 includes these upstream changes: Release 1.3.3 · TryGhost/Source · GitHub .


Awesome work, team! Big kudos to @NinoBagatello for making this available to the community.

Two things I wanted to share with everyone working on Source i18n:

1- The boilerplate text in newsletters (for feedback and “read more” links) is now translatable! If you’d like to have that text in your native language, If you’d like your newsletter to be free of English, I’d love to have your contributions. (This is a Ghost core change, not in Source. It’s available to everyone running Ghost, once you upgrade to 5.99.) Directions are here: Help translate Ghost (beta) (first post), and a few newsletter-specific hints are here: Help translate Ghost (beta) - #135 by Cathy_Sarisky

2- There’s some willingness from the core team to get translations on official themes, but that’s currently being blocked by a need to update the code that does the translation on the server. That’s on my to-do list, but I’ve got some (paid) projects queued up that I’ve got to finish before I can get to it. When that’s possible, I hope we can merge your translations back into the official theme, which will make it accessible to folks who can’t load a custom theme, and much easier to find for the people who can. :)


What’s Changed with 1.3.3-2i18n

New Contributors

  • @sjbrg made their first contribution in #10

Full Changelog: v1.3.3-1i18n…v1.3.3-2i18n

All supported languages


Having translations added to upstream would be AWESOME!

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New v1.4.0-i18n release:

  • Merged upstream v1.4.0 changes.
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awesome, thank you ! using custom fonts with it

merged upstream 1.4.1 changes:

last release was faulty.
Fixed with this one: