Subscribe page vs portal (lyra theme)

hello, (i’m looking to use lyra theme for a membership-style blog)

my preference would be for the subscribe page to show the plans directly, exactly like the subscribe pop-up (portal button). that would show 3 options: free/monthly/yearly

where is actually the code for the portal feature?
i was looking for it in order to customize the subscribe page

ps: subscribe page - show plans by default? · Issue #114 · TryGhost/Lyra · GitHub

I would also like to find out about this!

This is the Plans code of Portal.

src/components/common/PlansSection.js (Portal/PlansSection.js at f321ce34997408435f03117948a19ccc946b240b · TryGhost/Portal · GitHub)

Thanks @Dinakar
I have a tangent question: is the Portal Plans section customizable at all (ideally via admin UI)?
Say, something very simple like adding a short text and a link (eg, “you hereby agree to the terms blabla”, link to terms)

The portal section is customisable just like any other page. Via the admin UI you can set its appearance, plans and few more settings.

To make any other change like custom text or its CSS you have to edit the code.

Thanks @Dinakar. But I cannot see any way to change or add text via the admin UI. It only allows to modify the signup button text (?)

Re editing the code, I think the issue is the portal is not part of the theme (or is it?) which can be customized and uploaded. I’m using a ghost hosting service, I don’t know if they support customizations in other parts of the system

You can’t add text or additional elements from admin UI. There’s just appearances and what plans to show etc.

Portal is NOT a part of a theme. Portal is a part of Ghost, so you have to edit the code for advanced customisation such as your case.

Now that you know you have to customize the Ghost code, it’s better to contact the hosting service and check if they allow you to do so.

Got it thank you :+1:

I filed a feature/idea for more portal customization options (@Dinakar FYI)

I agree. The utility of the portal buttons would be greater if you could communicate a little more on them.