hello, (i’m looking to use lyra theme for a membership-style blog)
my preference would be for the subscribe page to show the plans directly, exactly like the subscribe pop-up (portal button). that would show 3 options: free/monthly/yearly
where is actually the code for the portal feature?
i was looking for it in order to customize the subscribe page
Thanks @Dinakar
I have a tangent question: is the Portal Plans section customizable at all (ideally via admin UI)?
Say, something very simple like adding a short text and a link (eg, “you hereby agree to the terms blabla”, link to terms)
Thanks @Dinakar. But I cannot see any way to change or add text via the admin UI. It only allows to modify the signup button text (?)
Re editing the code, I think the issue is the portal is not part of the theme (or is it?) which can be customized and uploaded. I’m using a ghost hosting service, I don’t know if they support customizations in other parts of the system