We really need an alternative bulk email sender integrated other than MailGun

Hello Ghost team,

I have been using the Ghost framework for years.

Recently I have experienced both domain and account disabled by MailGun without any reason provided, and I don’t even send emails exceeding 100 pcs per month.

I have been using MailGun for about 3 years and never experienced such trouble until recently.

So I did some research and found many have the same experience simply because MailGun adopts an AI-automated checker, and has caused many unexpected troubles.

We definitely need an alternative bulk email sender integrated other than MailGun, it is not healthy for the Ghost Community with a single source bulk mail provider.

Thank you very much.


I totally support this suggestion. In fact, I recently joined Ghost and I’m already migrating my Wordpress sites to it. However, I want Open Source solutions. I found Postal for mass mailing, but I still need to test it.

Possible problem I’m having:
The strange thing is that even though I have a paid plan on Mailgun, it doesn’t let me send mass emails, even though it’s configured correctly, because it passed the sending test, but in practice, when there are several emails, it doesn’t send them.

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This has just happened to us as well (details here). Were you able to get your account restored?

All support responses I got appeared to be automated and escalated each time until they permanently disabled our account.

What about https://www.useplunk.com/ ?

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