What is the EASIEST comments plug-in to use?

Hi, I’m a beginner to this and would like to add comments functionality to my posts. Some questions:

Is there an easy plug and play tool I can use?
If not, what do I need to edit post-hbs?
Could someone provide me an idiots guide to doing this, assuming I’m a complete idiot?!
Failing all of this, is there a developer database anywhere - not the one on the Ghost where there are huge minimum budgets?

Thanks so much.


Hey, welcome to the forum :wave:

As you have already discovered, adding comments to your Ghost site does involve making small adjustments to your theme files. It possible to do this yourself by following one of our Integration tutorials.

Here’s a quick guide to updating your theme:

  1. Download the theme files from Ghost Admin (Settings → Design → Advanced, then click the three dots on the theme you’d like to download)

  2. Unzip the theme and open the file you wish to update (for commenting integrations it would be the post.hbs file) in a code editor such as Visual Studio Code (free)

  3. Paste your comment snippet in this file as instructed in the integration tutorials and save it.

  4. Compress the entire theme folder into a new .zip file

  5. Upload the new version in Ghost Admin and ensure it’s activated.

Alternatively - if you’d prefer to hire a developer to help you with your integrations and theme adjustments, you can also find developers on any popular freelance website, such as Upwork.com. Ghost themes are well documented and any capable front end developer would be able to help you out with tasks like this :)