Ghost Newsletter '#5' — Recent Ghost Features, Grammarly Support

Hello everyone,

This is issue number #5 of Ghost Newsletter. In this issue, I’m sharing some news about recent Ghost features, create an invite-only website, new email design setting, Grammarly support, Slack group, and new content Ghost resources from the Aspire Themes.

Ghost Newsletter is brought to you by Aspire Themes. Premium and high-quality Ghost themes.

Invite-only Ghost Website

With the new Ghost Portal addition for managing who can access your website content, you can now have an invite-only and private website. People you invite can access the content, and they will sign in as well.

Read more about this feature different use cases at Invite-only Ghost Website.

Ghost Email Newsletter New Design Settings

New and shiny new design changes landed in Ghost 4.8.0 for the email newsletter settings, including the following.

  • Upload header image
  • Show/hide the post feature image
  • Title left/center alignment
  • Separate options to show/hide publication icon and title

Ghost Editor Support for Grammarly

The Ghost editor now supports Grammarly. Grammarly is an excellent writing assistant tool that reviews spelling, grammar, and the clarity of writing.

Grammarly support added in Ghost 4.7.0, so make sure you update your Ghost if you use an old version.

Ghost Dropped Support for Node.js 10

Ghost 4.5 no longer supports Nodejs 10.

If you are self-hosting and want to upgrade to Ghost 4.5 and still uses Node 10, you need to upgrade Node to the current recommended version, which is 14.x.

Ghost Tips & Tricks

I created a new ongoing resource for some Ghost tips and scripts. Currently, you can find some resources related to the following topics:

  • Update Multiple Installation on the Same Droplet • DigitalOcean
  • Renew Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate • DigitalOcean
  • Make your Ghost website embeddable in an <iframe>
  • Fix Images Upload Error 500 • DigitalOcean
  • Download & Upload Images • DigitalOcean
  • Zip and Unzip Images
  • Access DigitalOcean Droplet
  • Multiple Ghost Installations • DigitalOcean
  • Output How Many Posts in Total and How Many Paid

Check it out at Ghost Tips & Tricks.

Unofficial Ghost Chat on Slack

A new unofficial/group for Ghost on Slack. I think it’s an excellent place to have a quick question or discuss anything related to Ghost.

Ghost Quick Tip

Append /edit to your post URL, and you will be redirected to the post editor.

For example,

Of course, you need to be logged in.

Also, you can use the Ghost Edit Button Chrome extension for doing that.

Aspire Themes New Blog Content

Ghost Websites Inspiration

That’s it for today, and I hope you find it helpful. Feel free to share your findings and any useful resource.

Invite-only Ghost Website screenshot attribute goes to the Ghost post.

Checkout previous parts of the newsletter:

Another Ghost series I’m already doing are:

Stay safe!



Is there any solution to have your sent emails from ghost support also RTL ?

Unfortunately, no current Ghost option to do that.

Any clue if we link it with third party (such as Campagin Monitor) and we send the newsletter from them through ghost ?

I’m afraid I have no experience with that. I hope someone else can help.

When I saw your initial response in this thread I wondered whether something like Zapier could come in handy for you, perhaps sending the email addresses of new subscribers from Ghost to a mailing list on a third party newsletter sending service.

But like Ahmad, I haven’t needed to do something like this so I’m not in familiar territory here either, I’m sorry.

@mamoon101 P.S. I would suggest posting a new topic in either the “Idea” or “Help” category so that the Ghost team and other people who might be able to help may be more likely see it.

And it’s a bit of a stopgap, but if you would like any guidance with using Zapier for now, I am happy to assist you, as I’m quite familiar with Zapier.

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