Ghost Tips & Tricks #8 / Membership Troubleshooting Tips

Hello everyone,

This is the seventh issue of Ghost Tips & Tricks. I will be happy to share with you some practical Ghost tips that I find useful. Brought to you by Aspire Themes.

From time to time I receive some emails from my customers that the theme subscribe form does not work. There are a couple of reasons why this might happen.

The first thing I want you do do is to open the browser Console. See if there any errors happen when you click the subscribe button. This will be helpful to determine the issue.

In this post, I will share two reasons that might cause the issue.

Email Configuration Is Not Set Up Yet

This happens when you are self-hosting your Ghost website and the Mail is not configured yet. The email configuration is important for sending emails such as members signup and user invite emails.

Check out the Ghost Mail docs for more information about how to set up this. After that, make sure to restart your Ghost server.

If you are using Ghost(Pro) to host your website, don’t worry about this issue. The email configuration will is working by default.

Config URL

The second reason happens when the website URL config is not done the right way. This happens when you access your website with an HTTPs URL but you configured the website with an HTTP URL.

The following Console screenshot is like what you will see if you have the same issue.

What Ghost is trying to do now is sending the subscribe request to a URL with HTTP instead of HTTPs. The browser will block this request.

To solve this issue, the website config URL should match the URL used to access the website. Or in other words, as explained on the Ghost docs:

Enter the URL that is used to access your publication. If using a subpath, enter the full path, If using SSL, always enter the URL with https://.

That’s it for today and I hope you find this useful. Feel free to share if you have any experience solving this issue or if you have any feedback…

Checkout previous parts of the Ghost Tips & Tricks series:

Also, I started a Ghost Websites Inspiration series share inspiring websites created with Ghost. I hope you can find it inspiring and useful too.

Stay safe!
