Our community is a treasure trove of knowledge, experience, and creativity, especially when it comes to using Ghost. Each of you brings a unique perspective that can inspire and assist others in countless ways
To tap into this incredible resource, we are excited to introduce a new feature on the Forum: Community Question of the Week.
Each week, we’ll pose a question related to your experiences with Ghost. These questions are meant to ignite thoughtful discussions, offer insights, and highlight the diverse and innovative ways you all use Ghost. Whether it’s about overcoming challenges, creative uses of the platform, or sharing success stories, your contributions will be invaluable.
Without further ado, here’s the first question:
Share a tip or trick you’ve learned while using Ghost that others might not know.
No tip or trick is too big or small. What do you think your fellow users might be missing out on? Let’s go!
Adding mine here, since I am still mesmerised how smoothly this works:
It’s quite easy to set up BunnyCDN with Ghost – and cut loading time from far-away regions of the world literally into fractions (and all of that for pennies, compared to Cloudflare).
GCTools is a command line tool to do the most common bulk edits that we you might need to do when migrating sites to Ghost, or doing a big overhaul as part of a relaunch.
GCTools has lots of great features, but when migrating sites onto Ghost I would most often use it do these things:
Bulk tag management (older sites, especially from WordPress, tend to collect 100s of unwanted tags)
Bulk post visibility changes (change of platform or relaunch often comes with a rethink about where the paywalls should go)
Bulk author changes
Yes you could roll your own API scripts for your specific projects but for the most common jobs this works off the shelf, just plug your API key in and go.
You can drag-drop images between browser windows; edit a Ghost post in one window, drag any image from another site and drop it on the Ghost post. Works in Firefox and Chrome, possibly other browsers as well. If the site use hotlink protection it won’t work, the image is not imported, just linked.
This to create a “closed” newsletter is quite a nice tip. I don’t know how many users need this, but I actually needed it to make a VIP newsletter with selected clients.